Hotel Atlantis

Our HERBS on your PLATE at Hotel ATLANTIS. These are herbs that do NOT travel!

16. 7. 2024

Herbs can be found in almost every dish from our new Á la carte menu. Chef Jakub Fusek also uses them in desserts. A lot of them are used in the kitchen of Hotel ATLANTIS, which is why we started our new mini-project „Herbs from our garden“.


We pay due attention to these green vitamin champions. They are a valuable source of beneficial substances, they add aroma, better taste and appearance to food. Did you know that leaves of counterhylum contain more vitamin C than oranges? Or ordinary chives – not ordinary at all! People used it in the kitchen already before Christ. It is a source of vitamin C, provitamin A, or vitamin B2, contains a number of minerals, and its essential oil has an anti-inflammatory effect.


In which dishes can you find our herbs? For example THYME in Homemade ravioli with roster breast, or in Argentinian marbled rib eye steak, in Garlic cream and also in Chicken supreme. PARSLEY must not be missing in the Beef broth, MINT stands in line for Summer drinks from our Pool Bar, and can you imagine Boiled potatoes without chives?


Finding a place for our new herb garden in the large area of the Hotel ATLANTIS was not difficult. Fragrant flower beds reward us with a rich harvest for minimal care. So you can be sure that the herbs you will find on your plate at the ATLANTIS Hotel did not travel far, but were grown right here.


Come and try the new Á la carte menu with herbs grown in our garden!

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